Wednesday, February 12, 2014


So, after getting on the scale this morning, I realized that since my IUI on the 27th, I have lost 4 lbs?!?! That is 2lbs/week - I couldn't even do that when I was on a diet. WTF. This is very perplexing to me, as my bloated belly tells a completely different story. So, what gives?? Well, if you ask my husband, I am expending a lot my calories doing an exercise that I have been doing previously, albeit never so vigorously..... COMPLAINING. Yup, my husband is sure of it. My recent increase in complaining has resulted in my dramatic weight loss "success."

I, on the other hand, contribute it to being freaking cold all the time and shivering, and I believe the dictionary backs me up on this:

shivering [shiv´er-ing]

involuntary shaking of the body, as with cold. It is caused by contraction or twitching of the muscles, and is a physiologic method of heat production in humans and other mammals. As a form of aerobic skeletal muscle activity, vigorous shivering uses about as much energy as riding a bicycle or shoveling snow.......Cold-induced shivering is stimulated when body temperatures drop below the thermostatic range or “set point” governed by the hypothalamus.

So, there you have it!!
All my blood is in my uterus doing it's thing and I am left shivering. Oh, and of cause there is the sharp pain that I get above my belly bottom, when I try to eat as much as my eyes and brain would like in one sitting. Small frequent meals - just like they say in all the pregnancy books. Perhaps they are on to something!?!

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