So, the ultrasound was Tuesday morning and I don't feel like I slept at all the entire night. Every night for the last week, David and I had been counting the number of nights we would have to sleep, before we finding out for sure, what was going on in my belly. Knowing that I had ovulated 4 beautiful follicles, made the chance of having multiples a real possibility. We were so excited...
The scan revealed TWINS!! Yes, we are having twins. There were two yolk sacs and two beautiful little fetal poles (aka babies.) Although tiny (about the size of a grain of rice,) we got to see the little flickers of their hearts. It was magical and all I could do was just squeeze David's hand, while the the nurse and sonographer made all the measurements. They tried to get a good audio of the heartbeats but it was hard with them being so tiny and all the weird noises that my body was producing. David did hear the heartbeat of one of them. So, without further ado, I present to you Baby A and Baby B. I am only 6 weeks +1 day, so don't be surprised if the pictures doesn't scream baby...
I'm not entirely sure if it has sunk in yet. Granted this is very early and things could still go wrong, but I am starting to envision my self with a giant belly. Not quite sure how this body will support 2 other beings, but I guess we just have to take it day by day. So far the bloat is making me look pregnant already YIKES and yesterday while out to dinner with one of David's colleagues, I had the hardest time finding clothes to wear to hide my belly and I ended up un-buttoning my pant during dinner. But I'll gladly take bloat and difficulties finding appropriate attire - because I am overjoyed to be pregnant and overjoyed to be having twins!!