Tuesday, January 28, 2014

....and now on to the TWW

I went in for another US on Sunday - had no idea that my Dr would schedule appointments on the weekend. Nice to know that he cares so much. The medical office building was closed, so the nurse had to meet us in the hospital lobby. And to my surprise it was the actual doctor that did the US and not the usual assistant. He took his time and showed me all of the glorious follicles. There were at least 4 follicles ready to go and others smaller ones right behind them. I triggered in the office and hubby and I went for a nice long hike afterward (a bit too long really, ~12 miles to be exact). It was a really nice day and we talked about just how lucky we are. So, we don't have kids yet, but we have each other, we are healthy, and still in love after 9 years of marriage.

Monday morning was our IUI #4. It was pretty uneventful. Felt excited and was happy to have hubby there with me for the procedure. His count was 16 million, so we will see what happens. By midday I was feeling some pain in my lower abdomen. Like from the many follicles ovulating... Appetite wasn't good and I just relaxed all day. Now there is nothing else to do but wait. On Thursday I go in for another US to make sure I ovulated and that corpus luteum looks good, and then next Thursday the 6th is the blood test. I am hopeful that 2014 will be our year!!!


  1. Just found your blog! I'm going through secondary infertility right now, and will soon be starting Famera, Injections and IUI! Let's be blogging buddies!
    -just starting to write our journey on my blog, not done yet!

    1. Thanks for finding me. Just started reading your blog and first of all, Kyler is just so adorable. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. Infertility really just sucks and can hit anyone at any time. The injections were scary (in my head at least), but not really all that bad in practice. Good luck with the IUI and let me know how it goes.

    2. I replied to your comment on my blog, but wanted to leave one your blog too! Congrats again! Twins are so exciting! I'm having an IUI tomorrow! Doc said I had 3 good size follies (I'm hoping for twins like you!) but of course would be thrilled with 1 (or 3) too haha.

    3. 3 good follies!! That's amazing. I wish you all the best for your IUI tomorrow. Since I won't have time to send you the rocks, I will just put your name on them. LOL!
