Thursday, January 22, 2015

We love Daddy and boy do we miss him when he is away...

So, Daddy had to go on a business trip (OK, it was only one night, but still) and it was just the three of us. I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. We have a very set routine at nighttime and I was not sure how I would pull off being Mommy and Daddy at the same time.

Ready... Set .... Prep

Bedroom ready
Bathroom ready

I had pee pads in the chairs so I could just plop the first baby down without diapering. These babies are used to getting a bottle ASAP after shower, so I knew I had just about 5 seconds before I had a screaming baby on my hands. And I wasn't about to bathe the other baby while the first was screaming in my ear, so yes, my name is Henriette and I am a bottle propper...
Clean babies drinking their bottles
And I just got new jammies for them and it just made me happy looking at their little booties!!

My J Bear monster
My Sweet Pea fish

All done - babies did great and were no trouble at all. But let me be honest - I missed Daddy and the babies did seem a little off. Especially the next day. They were very confused that it was Mommy waking them up and they were both a bit fussy in the morning. But all that disappeared when Daddy returned in the afternoon. We have amazing babies and I have the world's best hubby!

We love Daddy!!

One down, one to go...

Next morning's tummy time - love those little buts.

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