Thursday, July 31, 2014
28 weeks
My bird, Eileen, decided to join me for this week's picture. It has been a busy week of packing and getting ready for the move. Time really has just flown by and the heat has definitely kicked in here in TX. I have caved in and now run the A/C almost constantly.
Oh, and I got to meet a wonderful set of 3 week old twins. I was dropping up something for a fellow MoM (Mother of Multiples) and while I was there, her twin daughters woke up from their nap. They looked so tiny and fragile, despite being born at 37 weeks and good weight (no NICU). Seriously, they scared me more than a teeny, tiny newly hatched baby bird. I know how to deal with those. I didn't even ask to hold the babies, I was just paralyzed with fear and was in awe at the comfort and ease with which she and her husband handled them. I know, I know, it will all come naturally. And I have to say that both hubby and I are getting increasingly more excited about welcoming our little wonders into the world - however they still need to cook for another 7-9 weeks!
How far along? Picture taken at 28 weeks.
Total weight gain: 33 lbs.
Maternity clothes? All of the tank tops that I venture out into the world with are maternity, but I still wear "normal" skirts and jogging pants. I really need to buy some long dresses because my short dresses are really getting WAY to short.
Sleep? Continues to be an issue. A few days back I was "allowed" to sleep for a little over 4 hours straight...I woke up in a panic, thinking that something was wrong with the babies. But now we are back on the 2-3 hour schedule. And the last few days I wake up at 3AM and can't sleep until 5:30AM.
Best moment of the week: Hmmm, I actually have no idea where this week went. I have spent a lot of time staring at the belly and it's undulations. That always makes me very happy.
Miss anything? Again my answer is, being able to reach things with ease. Not being out of breath?!?
Movements? These babies just crack me up. They move all the time. Especially night time and right after hubby get's home.
Food cravings: Anything that requires no effort on my part!
Labor signs: None, thankfully.
Symptoms: The usual: RLP, especially in the pelvic area. Braxton hicks, foot swelling galore - now I wear compression socks all the times. Lower back pain and tiredness. And the belly button is now mostly an outie!!
Looking forward to: Moving - we get the keys tomorrow, which could not come soon enough. This morning we were laying in bed just waking up, and I feel something crawling on my butt....I pinch the critter under the sheet and hubby immediately says that he thought he felt something hit the pillow seconds prior but didn't see anything. He tells my to get up and leave the room - he'll take care of it. Did I mention that I LOVE my husband!! Of cause it was a giant cockroach!!! A going-away present from this house, I guess.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Week 27
The above picture was from our 4th of July trip. |
Our friend from California came to visit. We had a great time, weather was great, so we decided to go tubing. |
Total weight gain: 32 lbs, weight gain seems to have slowed down a bit, despite almost constant hunger. But belly just doesn't hold much at a time these days.
Maternity clothes? All of the tank tops that I venture out into the world with are maternity, but I still wear "normal" skirts and jogging pants.
Sleep? Hmm, what?!? Waking up a lot to pee. One of them seem to have a knack for pressing on my bladder. Last night I think I was up 4 times.
Best moment of the week: Preparation-wise, probably finding out that we will be moving into a bigger place with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A duplex on the other side of town that doesn't include faulty electrical wiring, outlets protruding from the wall or the potential for lead paint. Just a regular boring dwelling.
Miss anything? Being able to reach things with ease. I was re-doing the shelf lining in the kitchen and I have to say that sitting on the floor trying to reach the lower corner cabinets was darn near impossible.
Movements? TONS. They are both so active at night around bedtime.
Food cravings: I am loving ice cream, but who doesn't??
Labor signs: None, thankfully.
Symptoms: RLP, especially in the pelvic area. Braxton hicks, foot swelling galore - now I wear compression socks all the times. Lower back pain and tiredness. And apparently insanely high cholesterol (normal for pregnancy). I had my annual physical with my MD, I almost passed out when I saw my numbers. Of cause I get a pass because I'm pregnant, but still.
Looking forward to: Moving, but not packing. My next appointments in a little more than a week.
Okay, before I show this week's belly picture, I will preface this and say that I AM wearing shorts, but that the giant belly is obscuring the shorts. This is pretty much what the belly looks like every night, when we play a game we call "Twin Peaks"
Thursday, July 17, 2014
26 weeks and check out those sexy socks!!
So, it is mid-week of the 26th week of pregnancy and life is good! Babies are moving like crazy and it is hard for me to understand why I don't yet have any stretch marks, because I really feel stretched to the max. I also struggle to comprehend how I could possibly have 2 1/2 more months to go.
I have been busy working on a few projects for babies and me. Hopefully I will get around to sharing pictures in a day or two.
I went to my regular Dr for the first time this week for regular annual exam. He and his wife have twins too, so he was very excited about the babies. He took one look at my feet and pretty much ordered me to wear compression socks all day, every day. He said his wife had lits of problems with swelling too and really just advice me to suck it up and wear them for my own health sake. My hubby looked at my feet that night and said that he was starting to veins, where there previously were no veins. BIG SIGH!! So now I wear them and look really hot in my flip flops too. The current pair is too big in the toe, constricts at bit at the ankle. Hopefully my Dr will prescribe custom made sock... Wonder if they come in cool colors???
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
25 weeks +
A)My family and friends have not even known about the existence of this blog, and I think that it was partly a mechanism to try and protect myself, in case something went wrong. I don't think I even told my husband about it for the first few months. I am finally ready to believe that this is going to happen, that the twins might actually one day be in our hands and not just something we talk about and try to prepare for.
B) I have been soo sluggish and afraid of doing things, afraid to work out, afraid to leave the comfort of my big comfy chair, because WHAT IF something were to happen to the babies. WHAT IF...I was to blame for a miscarriage or extremely early pre-term labor that would jeopardize the health of our babies. Now in my logical brain, I know that this is a completely unfounded fear - but that didn't make it less real to me.
So, what changed? Well, I definitely think that hitting the 24 week mark (viability - they could actually survive outside the womb) made a big difference in how I feel about this pregnancy and how I allow myself to feel my emotions. And I am sure pregnancy hormones have a tremendous effect here too. I have had ups and downs over the last week or so. Days where I feel like a whale and feel like this cannot possibly go on for 2 1/2 months. And then there are days like yesterday and today, where I have been out and about running errands, going to the swimming pool (and even exercising some at a moderate pace of cause), cleaning the house, making cupcakes, without feeling too overwhelmed and super tired.
With that being said, here is my (not so) weekly update:
How far along: I am 25 weeks + 2 days (picture taken this weekend at a hotel in Amarillo).
The best moment of this week, thus far, was going to see my high-risk Dr and getting to see the babies again. They have just gotten so big. Boy weighs 1 lb 14oz and girl weighs 1 lb 13oz. They were both pretty active and had moved since last scan. Boy continues to be head down, ready to go, while girl is now lounging across my belly sideways. I had been blaming the boy on making it hard for me to breathe, but apparently it is the girl's head. Baby boy (Baby A) was really funny. He was positioned in a way, in which he was mooning the sonographer every time she tried to look at baby girl's face. Also the girl was doing little hiccups while she was being measured, so now I know what hiccups feel like.