Thursday, August 28, 2014

As we are getting closer and closer to the end of this pregnancy, I can't help but think back. It has been a crazy ride, albeit not as crazy as I thought it would be. With our challenges getting pregnant, I somehow thought that it would follow us in pregnancy, especially considering that I am carrying not just one miracle, but two. Going into this, these scenarios played in my head:

  • I was going to loose them prior to viability. We have made it to Week 32, where the babies have close to 100% of surviving. 
  • I was definitely going to be on bed rest - perhaps even really early, like 24 weeks or so. Unable to drive, cook, or get ready for babies. Hmm, still out running errands, although I am incredibly slow and have no qualms about finding various places to sit down in the department stores or in grocery stores for that matter. 
  • Gestational diabetes was inevitable - not quite sure why I thought I would get it, but I was convinced that my 28 week check-up would have me forced to change diet and perhaps even be on insulin. So far, so good. The office never called me back with my results and I just assumed that everything was normal - I did confirm it a month later. 
  • Pre-eclampsia - that darned pregnancy induced hypertension would catch me by surprise and I would end up delivering my precious little babies sooner than expected, perhaps even prior to 32 weeks. This is a fear that will not go away until I hold my precious babies. I have heard of so many women, to whom this happened out of the blue. I have had really good blood pressure so far and check it every time I go to the grocery store. Hubby does keep reminding me to pack my hospital bag, just in case
  • Babies would not grow enough and would be taken from the womb early to save their lives.So far I think we are in the 40th percentile, so babies are growing and looking good at every scan.
  • I definitely expected to be the size of a house by this point in time, unable to do anything on my own. There is no denying that I am big. Every day I venture out of the house, I get these strange looks and comments. Especially the "Any day now","shouldn't you be at home with your feet up?" or "you look like you need a ride to the hospital" Hubby and I measured the belly this weekend and I am measuring at 40 1/2 weeks, so there is that....
  • Babies would both be breached and my dream of delivering vaginally would be impossible. We have actually nicknamed the babies. Baby boy is now lovingly called the Gatekeeper - he has been head down right at the exit since we found out the sex of the babies. Baby girl is called Pretzel, as she is always bent in the funniest shapes and forms. At last scan she was transverse, so if all stays as it is, vaginal delivery should be possible. 
I am sure that a ton of other scenarios has come and gone, I just don't remember them right now. Some of these scenarios, of cause, remains a possibility. However, I am embracing the fact, that I have really had a pretty amazing experience being pregnant. Of cause there has been ups and downs, but really the downs have been so few and far in between. I have been incredibly fortunate both in terms of what my body has been able to do and accomplish so far, but also in terms of the support that I have gotten from my wonderful hubby, family, friends, and medical staff. 

Hold on - we are in the home stretch!!!
Weekly update with pictures to come - sorry!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Oops, i swallowed a watermelon

Well, the weeks are just flying by. Today is 30 weeks + 4 days and I haven't updated this blog for a while. Lots of stuff has happened since last - bulletin style:

• We moved...which I am sooo happy about.

• I have scheduled all my OB appointments until mid September.

• My in-laws came here all the way from California to help us out, for which I am sooo grateful. Even though it is hard for me to sit back and accept the help, I am getting better at kicking my feet up and taking daily naps. MIL and I are about to tackle the laundry. That will be fun to go through the cute baby stuff.

• I have gained a total of 37 lbs, which is just absolutely crazy to me. Most of which is right in the belly area.

• Babies are moving like crazy and sometimes painfully so.

• Additional symptoms include: constant hunger replaced by uncomfortable fullness, replaced by hunger REPEAT!! Numbness in hands at all times if the day.

• Got crib set up in bedroom, complete with mattress - big accomplishment!

And that's all I've got for now!! Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Undulating belly!

So, babies have been very active lately. Here is a short video of them having a party in my belly.
Today I also got to experience some rather painful movements from the girl. I am hoping that she was turning herself head down for tomorrow's appointment. She was really bulging out to the side, all while causing pain in ribs, back and right around belly button. Can't wait to hear what Dr has to say tomorrow!!!